I love a headband. They’re perfect for those days when you really don’t know what to do with your hair. Stick something shiny in it and it distracts people from the fact that you really couldn’t be bothered that morning.
The great thing about headbands is that they’re really easy to make yourself. All you need is the ability to thread a needle or use a hot glue gun.
I love the smell of a hot glue gun in the morning.
I’ve decided to go a bit OTT on this project and make something a little bit larger than I normally would because it’s spring racing season.
You can shell out quite a bit on a fascinator and then end up standing next to someone who is wearing the exact same dead flamingo on their head, and all of a sudden your fashion decision starts seeming less avant-garde and more off- the- shelf.
With this project, not only will you get a bespoke headpiece but it won’t cost you the earth. There are so many options out there for embellishments; you are only limited by your imagination (and the lack of actual dead flamingos on the market).
I’ve gone for three types of band in this project, so there’s something for everyone (and every dress!). Each project should take approximately 45 minutes, depending on the amount of embellishments you choose to use.
Materials: 1cm black elastic, 1 string of beads (15-20cm long, you can find these in craft stores pre-strung), 2 decorative beads, 1 earring tassel, matching small beads, jump rings, black thread and needle.
Step 1: Sew one end of the elastic to one end of the string. Once this is done, thread it around your head and cut the elastic and sew to the other side of the string. You want to cut it a little bit tight so that it stays on.
Step 2: Take your earring tassel and your beads and jump rings. Put a bead on a jump ring and attach it to the tassels.
Step 3: Sew the tassel onto one side of the beads.
Step 4: Sew the decorative beads onto the edges of the elastic to cover over any threads.
Materials: 2 cm black elastic, 3 larger embellishments of your choice (I went with a sprig of beads from the florist section, an iron on patch and a metal jewellery embellishment), 6 beads, black thread and needle.
Step 1: Cut the elastic to the size of your head, once again a little bit tight so that it stays on. Sew the ends together so you have a loop.
Step 2: Arrange your embellishments in the position that looks best, keeping in mind how it will look on the head. Take a photo so you remember what the positioning was.
Step 3: Sew each embellishment onto the band with the black thread.
Materials: A round base (you can get this in the millinery section or craft stores), flowers (there are so many choices), 2 complementary ribbons, hot glue gun.
Step 1: Cut a few 6cm pieces of the ribbon and put aside.
Step 2: Lay out the flowers on the base to get an idea of where they will be placed.
Step 3: Glue the first flower. I went with one right in the middle and built up the rows in circles around the first flower.
Step 4: Take 1 piece of ribbon, put both ends together and dab with glue. Place it at the base of the first flower. Do this 4 times, alternating colours of ribbon.
Step 5: Glue the next row of flowers on, making sure the ribbons are pointing upwards.
Step 6: Put another row of ribbon around that row of flowers, and continue until the base is covered.
Tip: Take any pieces of ribbon that don’t look quite right and glue them to the flowers to make a double loop.
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